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Miku Kyoko

A member registered May 08, 2021

Recent community posts

What does the "Taboo" setting do? Is it like some sort of incest patch that is already in the game and you just activate it from the settings?

Well, i think it should work since this game also works on phones, the amount of ram doesn't correlate to the size of the game, you have to make sure you have enough space on your hard drive, 4gb of ram and 3-4 gb's of free space should do it, the processor also matters but oh well, it should work, just make sure you have enough space

It probably is

In the game cheat codes are always mentioned, do they actually exist? Because i don't see where you could enter them or is it like a special version of the game for the patreons

Thanks! Have a great rest of your day/night

(1 edit)

Thanks for the reply!, i am using joiplay but i wanted to know if there are cheats, i'll just be playing normally but if i feel like it's getting grindy then i'm going to use them if there are any

I might just use joiplay because i honestly am afraid of missing out on anything because of this

Hello! Is there any big difference between the compressed and universal android versions? I would be pretty sad if i were missing out on any big feature as i am just starting out and i can't get the universal version on my phone and i sadly don't have a pc or a mac